Winter Salon

Winter Salon 2024

Featured artist Cang Xin Chen Qingqing Chen Wenling Cindy Ng Ye Cheng Gao Ping Geng Xue Qin Han Peiyuan Jiang Tim Johnson Jin Sha Zai Kuang Lin Chunyan Liu Zhifeng Peng Yong Shu Xinghua Sun Ziyao Tao Aimin Wang Lifeng Wang Xin Wang Yunyun Rose Wong xinxin Xu Yong Emer Yang Yang Jinsong Zhang Xiao Tianli Zu Xia Hang

A “Salon hang” is a style of presentation which originated in salons in Paris in the 17th century. Works of art in all mediums, sizes and textures are grouped in one show. A contemporary “salon wall” intentionally juxtaposes many works of art of different and sometimes contrast colours, moods and textures.

Vermilion Art is pleased to present our first Winter Salon. It includes oil paintings, photographs, ink drawings, etchings and sculptures. The exhibition is spread across two rooms with 80 works by 29 artists. It is a high window from which to view the practice of Chinese contemporary art today.
Some of the works are due to be shipped back to artists’ studio in China. We are very pleased to offer some of these works at artist price to Vermilion Art collectors. It will be the last opportunity to view them in Sydney.

The Winter Salon runs from 18 July to 31 August 2024.

“沙龙悬挂式”是一种在一个墙面展示多种媒介、尺寸和纹理的艺术的风格。撇开当代潮流不谈,这个传统可以追溯到数百年前,源自 17 世纪末兴起的法国沙龙。如今的当代“沙龙墙”鼓励放置各种类别丰富多彩的艺术作品。




‘Winter Salon’ exhibition, installation view

‘Winter Salon’ exhibition, installation view

Geng Xue’s ceramic sculptures, installation view

Works by Peng Yong, installation view

‘Winter Salon’ exhibition, installation view

Lin Chunyan, Vein; and Tianli Zu Un-named Series II #5, installation view

(from left) Gao Ping, Landscape 3; Lin Chunyan, New State 4; Peiyuan Jiang, TPS-65; and Qin Han, La folie fooooooolle

Tim Johnson, Twin Lotus and Meditator; and Wang Yunyun, Morning and Summer Night, installation view

Vermilion Art

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